Our Privacy Policy

ALPINEYARDS PTE. LTD. (“AYT” or “We”) is committed to safeguarding your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information when you interact with our website or use any of our products and services (collectively, “Services”). By continuing to access our website and/or utilize our Services, you consent to the procedures and practices detailed in this Privacy Policy.

Who does this Privacy Policy apply to?

This Privacy Policy pertains to individuals who browse our website as well as those who have agreed to our Terms of Service and registered for our Services (“Users”). Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the privacy practices of third parties that appear on or through our Services. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of third-party providers, platforms, or other users.


What information do we collect from you?

We collect and use data about your interactions with our website and Services, including site referral data, cookie usage, patterns of browsing, and technical details such as browser specifications, downloads, and operating system. We aggregate standard web logs and user engagement metrics to understand visitor activities.


We also collect personal data that you willingly and voluntarily provide to us, such as your name, email address, and payment details. When using our Services (and upon accepting our Terms of Service), you may also provide us with various forms of content, which could include recordings, written scripts, text, audio clips, videos, contact details, calendar entries, and other relevant materials (“User Content”). The User Content is crucial for the delivery of our Services and may be recorded by us automatically when you engage with our Services. The use of User Content is limited to what is necessary for the operation and enhancement of the Services. The ownership of the User Content remains with you, and our use is confined to the rights required to deliver and refine the Services. We will not share or reveal the User Content beyond these terms.


Use and Disclosure of the information (including the User Content)


The information we gather may be shared for essential operational purposes, which includes engaging third parties like technical contractors, service providers, subcontractors, and consultants, to maintain the functionality and availability of our Services. These third parties are bound by contract to use the information solely for the tasks we have hired them to complete and within the bounds of this Privacy Policy.

Our employees and contractors, who require access to this information to perform their duties and deliver our Services, may also be privy to this information. This could include individuals located outside your country of residence; therefore, using our Services implies your consent to the transfer of such information.


In instances of corporate restructuring, such as during due diligence or surrounding activities like a sale, merger, consolidation, reorganization, or in the case of asset transfers, we reserve the right to disclose the information collected.


Furthermore, we may disclose information to comply with legal obligations, to protect our rights or the rights of our users, or in the face of legal inquiries or proceedings initiated by public authorities or private parties. While we endeavor to ensure privacy and security, we cannot guarantee this during legal processes or government investigations.

Please note that under laws like GDPR and CCPA, AYT’s role is considered as “data processor” for the User Content and Users shall be considered the “data controller” of the User Content and shall have full responsibility for deciding the use of the User Content in our Services, and assuring that the data subjects, whose data is collected and processed within the User Content, are adequately informed and have consented to their data’s processing by us, and ensuring that all legal standards for data collection, use and disclosure, are met before providing the User Content to us. Users shall handle the data related requests from the data subjects of the User Content in accordance with the relevant laws.



Our website Services are not directed at children under the age of 16 and we cannot distinguish the age of persons who access and use the same. If a minor (according to applicable laws) has provided us with information without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact us to remove the relevant data and unsubscribe the minor. If we become aware that the information has been collected from a person under the age of 16 without parental or guardian consent, we will delete this data and, where that minor has an account, terminate the minor’s account.​


Request to Access and Delete Data


Should you wish to have your data removed from our systems at any point, kindly reach out to us via the email provided below. In instances where we must keep certain information for legal or business reasons, we will notify and provide an explanation for our actions.

Furthermore, our policy is to maintain personal information solely for the duration that an account remains active. We ensure the deletion of all personal data within a reasonable period following the closure or termination of an account.



We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy as needed and will do so by posting changes to this Privacy Policy.

Our Services are operated from the Republic of Singapore. For those using our website or Services from other regions, please note that by your use of our Services, you acknowledge and consent to the transfer of the information to Singapore.

We store the collected information on servers under our control, safeguarded by appropriate administrative, technical, and physical measures to prevent unauthorized access or data breaches. However, please recognize that the security of data transfers over the Internet cannot be absolute secure.


Contact Information

If you have any questions about the Services, or this Policy, or if you would like us to delete the Information, please contact us at [email protected]

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